Paul Marston

Dr Paul MarstonPaul’s initial studies included philosophy and the history and philosophy of science and scientific methodology at London University’s LSE, where his tutors included the philosophers of science Karl Popper, Imre Lakatos and Paul Feyerabend. He has a PhD and three Masters degrees: in theoretical statistics, in the history and philosophy of science, and in theology. He has lectured on courses at the Nazarene Theological College, and is currently a Senior Lecturer (now part time) in the University of Central Lancashire.

Paul and his wife Janice have a daughter Christel, and a son Justin.

His solo books include The Biblical Family, God and the Family, Christians, Divorce and Remarriage, Understanding the Biblical Creation Passages, Women in Church Leadership and in Marriage, and Gay Christians and the Jesus Centred Church.

Paul and Roger have co-authored a number of books including: Yes But…, That’s A Good Question, Reason, Science and Faith and Christianity, Evidence and Truth.


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