Jesus in the Old Testament’ is a series of 14 mini-books by Christen Forster (each 96 pages) which covers the whole of the Old Testament from Genesis to Malachi.
If we read the Bible with the view ‘How does this show me Jesus?’ we will begin to see Christ in all its pages…. and as we meet Him there we will be transformed. (2 Cor 3:18).
On the road to Emmaus, Jesus revealed Himself in all the Scriptures . . . the aim of the ‘Jesus in the Old Testament’ series is to look for Jesus throughout the Old Testament, using a variety of streams or threads of revelation.
Each book uses the following 7 colour-coded logos to identify different ways we can see Jesus in Scripture:
- hidden in the text
- by His teaching
- as God in visible form
- as part of the Trinity
- through the hopes of His family
- anticipated by prophecy
- by types and models.

Published so far . . .
Volume 1 – Jesus in the Old Testament: Genesis to Malachi
An Introduction
This book, the first of the series, introduces the varied ways in which the Old Testament reveals Jesus, opening up a view of the Old Testament that is both fun and fruitful for the seasoned scholar and novice reader alike . . . Read more
Volume 2 – Jesus in the Beginning: Genesis 1–12
Creation & Primeval History
The Beginning is a very good place to start! In fact, the first sentence of the Bible contains a message for Jesus about an ‘appointed Son’. It hints at the Trinity and it introduces the Word, Who is and was with God, as a sacrifice nailed to a cross . . . Read more
Volume 3 – Jesus in the Fathers
Patriarchs & Promises
On the road to Emmaus, Jesus revealed Himself in all the Scriptures . . . starting with the Books of Moses, so we know Jesus must appear somewhere in the stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and his sons. However, we may not realise quite how much of Him there is to find . . . Read more
Volume 4 – Jesus in the Great Escape
Out of Egypt I have called my Son
Like the Gospels, Exodus tells a myth-story through the events of remarkable but real history. In it, God initiates a new community through a substitute sacrifice, a baptism through water and fire, and the gift of a covenant of provision and presence . . . Read more
Volume 10 – Jesus in Worship & Wonder
Melody, Mystery & The Messiah
In this book Christen will show you Jesus in psalm after psalm – from prophecies about the Messiah and the appearance of God, through advice for Jesus as He grew and stepped into His calling, to the hidden signature of the Living Word in the written words . . . Read more